Searching for Performative Tension / workshop

Tomáš Janypka

  • 13. 9.2024
    Moving Station – Small Hall
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Duration: 120 min and has no intermission

Tomáš Janypka

SEARCH FOR PERFORMATIVE TENSION is a movement workshop thematically preceding the performance Lonesome Cowboy, which is focused on working with one’s body, improvisation and imagination. The emphasis is on conscious work and listening to what is happening and being created in the movement. Also suitable for non-professionals.

TOMÁŠ JANYPKA is a creator, choreographer, performer, dance improviser and facilitator of Somatic Dialogue. His strength lies in his subtlety and openness to genres and approaches, his focus is on intimate events, the perception of the body and its boundaries, the weight of things on the physical and spiritual level, as well as physical and emotional sharing with the audience. Janypka enjoys frequent collaboration with various artists – Martin Hodoň, Sabina Bočková, Jazmína Piktorová, Viktor Černický, Elia Moretti, Roberta Legros, Tomáš Vtípil, Danka Tomečková, Juraj Gábor and others. His works and performances include: New Orchards (2018), song lines (2019), An Elegy to Ordinariness and Eight Cups and the Devil (2021), Completing the Sphere (2021), PQ 2023 opening performance and Lonesome COWBOY (2023). As an independent artist, he is a member of the collective ZDRUHESTRANY. As a performer, he has collaborated with Jan Mock, Viktorie Vášová, Daniel Gulko, Jaro Viňarský, Sonja Pregrad, Temporary Collective, tYhle, mimoOs and others.