The Sixth Sense of the City


  • 18. 9.2024
    Moving Station - Main Hall
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Duration: 60 min and has no intermission

Ivana Sobková, Roman Černík

Ivana Sobková and Roman Černík

Participating in the production
Veronika Bíbová, Bořivoj Putna

Anna Brixi, Tereza Hardtová, Jan Havlice, Leona Houdková, Karolína Klempířová, Tereza Mátlová, Kateřina Tafatová

The production was supported by a grant from the DAMU Student Grant Competition. We also thank Sladovna Písek o.p.s. and Moving Station Plzeň for their support and co-operation.

SIXTH SENSE OF THE CITY How does your city smell? How many eyes see you when you run a red light? What smells waft down your street? Are you also an imprint of your city? How many cities are yours? How many of ours?

The graduate immersive site-specific production of the student creative team from the Department of Educational Drama at Prague’s DAMU deals with the phenomenon of the city. The initial impulse for the way to the production was the interactive exhibition I City at the Sladovna gallery in Písek. Based on honest participatory personal research of the city, the authors look at the city and cities, the basal environment of most of us, from various levels and angles with their collective stage action. The result is an articulated scenic oratorio about the dreams and desires we have with and for cities.

ŠESTPLUSJEDENSTATEČNÝCH The ensemble was born in collaboration with students of the MA programme at the Department of Dramatic Education at Prague’s DAMU. Working together deepened relationships and forged a desire to create together beyond the obligatory tasks. The ensemble is made up of a diverse range of personalities, their personal and professional backgrounds, as well as their local backgrounds, shape the specific spirit of the ensemble. The tastes and joys of creating and being together have brought other colleagues to collaborate.