
Jiří Jelínek a kol.

Jiří Jelínek

Jiří Jelínek

Michaela Ruská

Vítek Maštalíř, Tomsa Legierski

For children from 5 years old and their parents.

SUPERBOY You don’t have to be Superman, Spiderman or Batman. Anyone can become a superhero, you just need a little something! This puppet fairy tale for children aged 5 and up tells the story of a super class in which superheroes have super adventures. Until Milos, who flunked out of his class and is not so super, comes to them....

DAMÚZA was founded in 1999 by the then students of the Department of Production of Prague’s DAMU for the promotion of their work. Today, the brand involves a development and production unit supporting original theatre artists and ambitious projects by DAMU students and recent graduates. It focuses on original productions, especially puppet, art and object theatre for children and adults. A large part of their work is family-friendly productions where the child audience becomes an equal partner with the actors, with the main goal being that parents enjoy spending time with their children at the performance and that the experience stimulate questions and ideas that encourage dialogue. DAMÚZA is also the organiser of three festivals: the KUK, VyšeHrátky and Nekropolis.